الخميس، 4 نوفمبر 2010

Technology in Early Childhood / Shoroug

Hardware  EditTechnology in kindergarten includes more than just computers. The following is a
 list of other useful way that technology can be integrated into the classroom.
Printers -
 printing student work created on the computer (ie. kidspiration sentences and patterns)and printing pictures of students.
Scanners -
 scanning pictures of students or other items (environmental print - i.e. cereal box) into the computer.
Digital Camera -
 take pictures of students, of student work, environmental pictures (building, staff members, field trips) to create books.
Palm Pilot -
 for administering reading assessments and progress monitoring between assessment windows.
Projector -
 to be used with the computer, class virtual field trips, slide shows, whole class research.
Leap Frog Products -
 has a variety of educatonal products to promote early literacy and math. Leapfrog has motivational materials such as phonics boards and interactive readers.
Language Audio Card Reader -
 to be used with audio cards, students can listen to pre-recorded words, sentences, and phrases, or record their own voices and play them back. Can be ordered from Lakeshore Learning Materials.
Television -
can be connected to the computer so students can have a bigger screen to watch as the teacher goes through lessons(for those of us who do not have a projector). Can also be used with VCRs to show educational videos :)
Smartboard -
 interactive whiteboard that can be accessed through computer or on own . 
 : Example 

Microphone -
for recording podcasts of choral reading, singing, interviews

Here >>
 Educational web site for kindergartners