الخميس، 16 ديسمبر 2010

Blended learning

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In Video music
 low voice

  .. Blended Education: Application Examples

An overview of the primary classroom sees children learning to read, beginning to add, and exploring numerous topics for the first time. Most classrooms are brimming with children, lacking an aide and overloaded with information. By investigating each subject within a primary classroom, teachers can envision how blended learning can be a real part of early childhood education.
Incorporation of technology into the primary classroom can be as a simple as bringing the students to a website which better illustrates a story explored in class. For example, if a class reads "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" written by Bill Martin, Jr. to further extend upon the story a primary teacher may set a website such as Animal Vocabulary on a computer in the technology center.

Blended communication could be the most successful form for the new generation of parents. Quite often information relayed to a primary student quite often does not make it to the ears of a parent. Besides traditional classroom visits, parent/teacher conferences and telephone calls, many teachers of all students are realizing that reaching parents through emails, websites and discussion boards are more fruitful in contacting parents. Designing an online community where teachers can post and explain information about their teaching methods can help clarify classroom procedures. With the same regard, parents can ask questions, review announcements, and become an active part of the classroom through a virtual environment. Searching within Yahoo groups, numerous groups can be discovered which join parents and education groups. “Some schools are exploring the use of video conferencing and 'streamed' (stored for viewing at home) videos to promote parent understanding and involvement in student learning" (Starr, 2005).
This blended communication is even opening up a place for parent input to class learning. Teachers can design questions through online questionnaires from places like SurveyKey. Educators can ask parents about issues with in the class, specific needs and concerns. As parents respond, a teacher can make adjusts and improvements. Once again this is extremely important within younger students, as they often have a difficult time expressing experiences which they may
have in class.
Reinforcement & Enrichment
Teachers at every level grapple with the difficulty of addressing the needs of each child within a classroom, however this challenge is extremely prevalent within the early childhood classroom as students are exploring the building blocks of education. This challenge can be aided with blended learning.
Studies have been surfacing for years that foreign language instruction should begin at the elementary level instead of postponing that learning until high school, however due to budgetary concerns, foreign language classes seem like a frill (Walker, 2004). By teaching another language to young children, we give them the greatest chance to fully absorb a second language. If an elementary school does not offer a foreign language classes, teachers and parents can still expose primary students to another language through technology. From simple websites which vocalize the French Alphabet to websites which allow the students to progress through activities to learn Spanish.
Within primary grades a child many times needs extra practice. The web has the amazing ability to give kids extra help in a way different from group classroom instruction, maybe in a form in which a child learns better. For example, if a teacher has introduced new letter sounds and she/he notices a student is struggling, the student can either use the computer center to practice or a Phonics website address can be send home for parents to use as practice
Blended learning book

By .. Shoroug Ali Al-Onaizan