الجمعة، 5 نوفمبر 2010

Role of the teacher

A Strong Teacher and Supportive Setting Are Key to the Successful Integration of Technology

1.     The teacher’s role in the classroom is as important as ever when it comes to the computer center. 
a.      The teacher facilitates learning through relevant computer activities.
b.     Although seeking out appropriate software is important, the teacher must also create an extension of that software to the natural learning environment.
c.     The teacher can be a guide by using open-ended questions to interact with children as they are problem solving through the computer activity.
2.     The classroom setting is critical to the success of the computer center.
a.      The child must have free access to the computer area.
b.     This provides an opportunity for the child to:
i.             make choices, 
ii.            engage in self-directed play,
iii.            and have unlimited time to problem solve independently.
3.     The classroom computer also creates positive social interactions.
a. Three- and four-year-olds are developing at different levels socially and cognitively.
b. The computer center allows the child to sit beside a classmate and observe as the classmate uses the computer. This is a beginning stage of social development.
c. Another child may be ready to interact with a friend at that same center.
d. The next level of development is when the children are ready to take turns at the computer.
4.     The computer center also helps develop cognitive abilities.
a.   By learning to problem solve, a child develops a sense of accomplishment.
b.   Software applications that offer immediate feedback also help children learn to apply existing knowledge to novel situations.

Three characteristics of teachers that were significantly linked with successful integration of technology innovations were:
  • Technology Proficiency in using hardware and software, and in understanding the conditions that support technology use. For example, one project in this study called for computer video conferencing between 3rd graders with students from other schools. Although the teacher knew which software she needed to use, she had little knowledge of the technical infrastructure required to set up the whole system, such as high-speed Internet connections and digital cameras. This project was never implemented (p.9).
  • Compatibility of teaching style, content, and the software and hardware. The study found that teachers who saw an intimate connection between the selected technology and their curriculum were more likely to implement their innovations successfully.
Social awareness of the school culture and organization. “For example, one teacher’s project required frequent use of the single, school-wide computer lab. This teacher successfully implemented her project because she was aware of the technology use patterns of other teachers, which enabled her to plan lessons and use of the lab accordingly

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Shaikhah al-qasim

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